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Meet Juan Carlos: Biologist, Adventurer, and Serendipity Guide

Meet Juan Carlos, one of Serendipity Adventures’ longest-serving guides! A biologist who enjoys just about anything that puts him together with guests and the outdoors. We catch up with Juan Carlos on his guide highlights and learn about his favorite ‘Serendipity style’ activities…

Serendipity Guide Juan Carlos cave spelunking

How long have you worked with Serendipity Adventures?

I have worked here since 1998/99, so it has been about 25 years!

What were you doing before you worked as a Serendipity Guide?

I was the International Director for a youth exchange organization called Youth Challenge International. I was in charge of training the kids who came to Costa Rica, and the Costa Rican kids that were traveling overseas to do different projects. I actually started with that organization as a participant, eventually becoming a tour leader and then working in the office.

How did you hear about Serendipity Adventures?

It was through an ad in the newspaper. And it wasn’t me, it was actually my wife who saw it. It was at a time when I was studying biology and also working. She saw that I was struggling to have enough time for my university studies and she thought, because she’s very smart, that it would be the perfect job for me. To give me more time off in between. She showed me the ad and I said ‘no, forget it’, but she somehow convinced me to go to the interview at the Serendipity Adventures office which, at that time, was in downtown Turrialba. I did the interview and, to my surprise, the person that interviewed me, said ‘you’re hired! Can you start next week?’.

Do you remember what your first trip was?

My first experience was as a trainee with a family and a guide, Fernando. It was really interesting, even though I was taking a back seat. Then, my first trip as a guide was very different, because it is not something that happens too often with Serendipity. Two people signed up and then another two people signed up and they went together to share expenses etc. The group was a same-sex couple and a mother with her daughter. The mother and daughter didn’t get along very well and were always fighting, so they wanted to do something to help their relationship. They were in therapy and their therapist suggested they take a trip together and they found Serendipity in Costa Rica. Because of this dynamic, it was both amazing and challenging. We kept in touch and they told me that they had such a good time and it helped them realize many things about their relationship.

What is your favorite part about working as a Serendipity Guide?  

With Serendipity, we have our own equipment and we operate in our own way. The ‘Serendipity way’. It is amazing when you have a chance to work like this because you can tell if your clients are comfortable and having fun and you can keep on going. Do it twice. Stay one more hour. If you see people aren’t having a great time, you can adapt and change it up. You have that flexibility and it makes a big difference. With most other tour companies, it is completely the opposite. If an activity starts at 10 am, you have to be there at 10 am. With Seredipity, 9 am, 10 am, 11 am no problem. Maybe they were tired and just want to sleep a little more, it’s fine. If you go rafting on the river, you paddle from point A to point B, it is 3.5 hours whether you like it or not. With Serendipity, if clients are having a good time, we stay longer, we find a rope and jump in the river, and we play. It is very different from a commercial operation.

Serendipity Guide Juan Carlos ziplining

Do you have a place or activity that you love the most?

I don’t think I have one favorite. I like them all, as long as it is outdoors and involves adventure. If I had to pick one or two, I’d say the whitewater rafting is really special. I love horses, so horseback riding too. Going to the caves to do spelunking and hiking through the rainforest to indigenous territories for 2-3 days. Those more hardcore activities are incredible. For places, I’d say the South Caribbean, I love Cahuita and Cocles. The San Carlos area where we have our ranch with the horses and other activities is also very special.

Would you say your expertise as a biologist really helps with your role as a Serendipity Guide?

Our clients are mainly interested in active vacations and adventure, not so much the nature part at first. However, you cannot really separate the two. When you are out mountain biking and you see a sloth, you have to stop and talk about it! That is why I say my background as a biologist has helped me a lot. In this job, you get all sorts of questions, not just about biology. About history, religion, and politics. I am constantly reading and learning new information to share with clients. Also, clients have their own experiences and like to sit and talk with me to compare. For example, there are two major political parties in the United States. In Costa Rica, we have 21!

For you, what is it about Costa Rica that makes this country so special?

I’ve guided in different countries and traveled a lot myself. For example, I’ve been to Paris, a city that receives 30 million tourists a year. In Costa Rica, we receive 3 million tourists a year. You can feel the difference in the way that people treat you. When you are expecting a good service and it is all ‘go go go, hurry up, hurry up!’ because the next person is coming right behind you. It is a little bit different here as it is more relaxed. People are willing to help, especially the people living in the countryside. They are very warm and always have a big smile on their face, even if they may be struggling. If you get a flat tire in the middle of nowhere, they’ll be there to help, not for payment or anything, just because that is the way they are.

Finally, what is your next trip with Serendipity Adventures?

My next trip starts today! This is a very special trip because it is for a family that is going diving. They have two kids who I will be looking after while the parents dive. I was meant to be on my own family vacation at this time, but instead, I will bring my kids with me on this Serendipity trip (for the first time in twenty-something years!). This is very new for me and I am excited because it gives my family the opportunity to practice English and have a cultural exchange while playing with the kids (and vice versa).

Serendipity Guide Juan Carlos whitewater rafting

Discover the Real Costa Rica

Serendipity Adventures offers premium trips with dedicated guides, like Juan Carlos, who show you the local spots, take care of all the logistics and, most importantly, provide a ton of fun and memorable experiences!