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Costa Rica's Time Zone

Keeping on top of your timings

Although time can sometimes feel relative during your travels in Costa Rica. It is important to know which time zone you are in, regardless of where you have traveled from.

What is Costa Rica’s Time Zone?

Daylight in Costa Rica varies by only half an hour between seasons, so Costa Rica does not observe daylight savings time. The time zone in Costa Rica is GMT-6, which corresponds to U.S. Central Time during winter months, and U.S. Mountain Time when the U.S. is in daylight savings time.

The current time in Costa Rica is:

Check our contact page to see when the Serendipity Adventures office is open. Please note that we give an emergency number to our clients, available 24/7, should you need assistance in-country.

Costa Rica has about 12 hours of daylight, with sunrise (about 5:30 AM) and sunset changing only about 15 minutes over the course of the calendar year (remember where we are on the face of the planet — about 10 degrees north of the equator). Also, remember that all of Costa Rica is EAST of Tallahassee, Florida, and half the year our time zone is like Kansas City or Denver… so it’s no wonder sunrise is so early, and sunset is early, too.

For information about sunrise and sunset times, see

When is the Best Time to Visit Costa Rica?

Prices and climate may have an influence on when you choose to visit Costa Rica.